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How Our Sustainable Packaging Solutions are Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals

Updated: Oct 3

The number 12 holds a special significance for me—not only is it my favorite number and the day I celebrate my birthday, but it also represents my primary Sustainable Development Goal (SDG). Established by the United Nations in 2015, the 17 SDGs are a call to action to end poverty and inequality, protect our planet, and ensure that all individuals can enjoy health, justice, and prosperity. At the heart of this initiative is a commitment to leaving no one behind.

My Mission with AWEN Packaging Consulting

When I founded AWEN Packaging Consulting, my primary focus was on eliminating landfill waste. Many may view this as an impossible feat, but I firmly believe that by embracing a circular economy, we can achieve this goal. The transition to a circular economy requires innovative thinking and a commitment to sustainable practices, but it is a challenge worth taking on.

Aligning with Additional Goals

In addition to Goal 12—Responsible Consumption and Production—I also resonate with Goals 13 and 14. As an ocean lover, I feel a deep connection to our marine ecosystems. My childhood dream of becoming a marine biologist shaped my passion for protecting our oceans, even though my journey led me to a career in engineering.

Understanding Each of the Goals

Goal #12: Responsible Consumption and Production Sustainable Development Goal 12 emphasizes the importance of sustainable consumption and production patterns. This goal is critical for ensuring the livelihoods of both current and future generations. With the planet's resources depleting and global populations increasing, it is essential to rethink how we produce and consume.

Goal #13: Climate Action Sustainable Development Goal 13 calls for urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. This includes mainstreaming global citizenship education and sustainable development into national policies, curricula, and teacher training, ensuring that future generations are equipped to tackle these challenges.

Goal #14: Life Below Water Sustainable Development Goal 14 focuses on conserving and sustainably using our oceans, seas, and marine resources. By 2025, we must significantly reduce marine pollution from land-based activities, including harmful plastic debris, to protect these vital ecosystems.

Join the Conversation

I invite you to reflect on the Sustainable Development Goals and consider which one resonates with you the most. Each goal represents a critical area of focus in our global effort to create a sustainable future. Together, we can work towards a world where responsible consumption and production are the norm, where our oceans are protected, and where climate action is taken seriously.

Which SDG speaks to you?

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